Introducing The Complete Nappy Recycling Service
Our aim is to develop innovative solutions for a better future and reduce our dependency on the traditional landfill option. For example, did you know that around 4.7% of direct greenhouse gas emissions is produced by the decomposition of biodegradable waste in UK landfills?
Through using ‘closed loop’ recycling of nappies and adult incontinence products, we are moving towards a zero landfill option for these offensive wastes and now offer a complete treatment and recovery service for such materials.
How it works

Disposable Nappies

Recovered Material

Regenerated Forms
Reduce your carbon footprint
- A pioneering, local, environmentally-friendly solution to landfill waste.
- Competitive pricing, ensuring future stability against upcoming landfill tax increases.
- Diversion from landfill meets all EU directives on biodegradable wastes.
- Through Hydro-recovery process, cellulose and plastic materials are recovered for future use.
- Fulfil your requirements to consider the Waste Hierarchy.
- Responsibly manage your various waste streams.
A local, cost-effective solution
With our new Hydro-recovery process, we can now offer a local, cost-effective solution to this problem. Through collaboration from Government, Natural UK has pioneered a radical, innovative process to recover the plastics and cellulose material that would previously have been sent to landfill.
In the UK alone, it is estimated that there are in excess of 1 million tonnes of Absorbent Hygiene Products (AHP’s) disposed of annually.
Our Mission
To provide regional facilities for the sustainable management of Clinical and Offensive Hygiene Wastes and further enhance the diversion from landfill. Aiming to develop Sustainability within our communities and significantly reduce our Ecological footprint within the UK.